MegaMega game
Did all the mega games we have done pretty much fill up?
Are any still running?
Im thinking that things have been kindof slow and will probably continue to slow for December. So Im shooting an idea for early January.
What are we up to? 100 nation slots? 0-99 right?
Filling all 100 with modded nations would be a mess to iron out the conflicts and would be a heck of a load on a server.
what if someone modded ONE low-load nation a hundred times?
Create a generic nation. Basically indept units. No added graphics, no added abilities. Just a simple nation of scout, archer, hvy infantry, knights. A couple of commanders, some mages, a priest. What is the "better independents" mod using?
One MegaMega game of 100 matching nations with no special abilities. Call the game Skill-n-Luck (cause the winner will claim it was won only on skill and the losers would all claim it was luck). They all get the same choices for pretenders. They all get the same units.
Gandalf Parker