Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
My family has a phrase "stupidly paladin" to refer to me being honorable even when no one else would be. I play that way in all games when I play as Gandalf Parker. Especially on sites where I have a position such as moderator, admin, wiz, or god.
But I admit that I do have some aliases that act as a release valve when Im in the mood to be evil. Altho it does seem that Im not very good at it. I tend to do better in the honorable games.
Heh, so you violate the real-life board ToS (and yes, I realize it's probably an approved deviation from the rules since you're a moderator and a helpful member of the community) to avoid dishonor in a virtual game. Gotta love irony. =)
And please see the parenthetical, this isn't supposed to be a flame or an attack on your honor, since I think the ToS are a bit silly, I just find the situation to be ironic and hence amusing.