Huge Game Ending Problem... Among others bugs?.
My buddy and I play SEIV through TCP/IP... Here is the *game ender*:
A few turns ago my buddy, the terrans, had a planet rebel. A new empire sprang up calling themselves the Pawtril Confederation. it even showed up on the empires screen. (It even used his picture!) A couple of turns later, he demanded the the Pawtril Confederations surrender. They promptly did so. We quit the game a few turns later to play another day. Now here is the problem: Last night we attempted to play and he now connects as the Pawtril Conderation, which had previously surrendered and has nothing. I am the host so I tried deleting the Pawtril from the game and when he connects we get some kind of "load error 17" I logged in as the Terrans and his empire is still there, he just cannot play them... Any clues on how to fix this???
Problem #2: We seem to get an access violation here and there which requires a reboot. (The game wont simply allow us to reconnect though TCP/IP) Any clues on this?
And Lastly :-) My buddy receives all my Messages in duplicate. I only get one of his... Is this just because I am the host?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Esp. the first question! We are on turn 7 zillion and were about to duke it out man to man to determine the winner.