Originally Posted by Jazzepi
It's a waste because you have to spend points to get it that you would otherwise be able to spend elsewhere.
Sure D9 is great on your pretender, oh and so is A9 and E9 and B394,498,283, but you have to spend points to get those things. Those buffs are infinitely worse then the air and earth buffs that you get nearly for free with the cyclops. Generally with nonundead SC quickness is just bad because it makes you gain more fatigue per-turn, unless you have a blood thorn, or some other type of fatigue draining attack item.
Also, N1 does not really properly expand you "into nature". You'll need to get a +1 nature stick from a neighbor, and you still can't clam properly because you don't have a N/U guy.
First off, N1 does expand you into nature. You are astral nation, remember? You can and have to make rings.
Second, on a non-undead SC quickness isnt bad because there are summon earthpower and boots of the messenger.
Third, vodyanoi can craft clams. And if you dont have access to a water province (and cannot negotiate for it), you have Beregini (though they are higher in the research tree and more expensive, so vodyanoi is somewhat better).
2 Vfb:
Of course I have.
Would be silly not to, dont you think? I have a whole lot of TWO clams!!! ))
What's worse, Jomon is making bloodstones.