Originally Posted by licker
You do realize that one can appreciate a change in the climate while disagreeing about the cause correct?
The issue, though not explicitly stated always, is with the notion of anthropomorphic GW, not GW, which as anyone who can read a chart can see that the temperature rose over some decades, and for the last decade has seemingly leveled off.
First, to address your second point: Again, we have had 2 similar troughs in the past 150 years that we have detailed figures. A 10 year trough, in the geological time scales we are working with, does not in any way indicate that this trend is "over". We are still in a 1000 year+ warming trend, and this is consistent, over this timeframe.
Second, to your first point: I don't think you read my previous posts. I don't completely agree with the causes, at least, not as valid reasoning for humanity to approach the issue with clear intent. The fact is, if global temperatures were to shift down OR up by about 5°, the human race with less than 7 billion people on the planet, will be greatly imperiled. Regardless if you think that any given country or region could persist through such calamity, I can only assure you that it's psychotic not to entertain the notion that eventually the famines and wars would lead to nuclear aggression = the end of the world as we know it.
If we agree the phenomenon exists, then the -causes- become academic curiosity. What matters is the human species rising to meet this problem head on, because we will have to find ways to deal with a little turbulence here or there, if we want to survive for longer than a quarter million years.