I've been itching to try some multiplayer, so I've decided to start up a game for fellow newbie players.
Game Details:
Age: Early
Map: Aran
Host: 24hr quickhost, LlamaServer
Number of players: 8 - either 8 lands nations, or 7 land and 1 water
Mods: none
Settings: all standard
Diplomacy: anything goes
It's my first time hosting (or playing) an mp game, but I think I have everything figured out, so don't be afraid to join
Nation choice is first come, first serve. I'm hoping to start the game shortly after the new year.
1.GrudgeBringer - Arcosephale
2.Alpine Joe - Kailasa
3.Ossa - Abyssia
4.Juffos - Ermor
5.jmb - T'ien Ch'i
6.Redeyes - Caelum
7.statttis - C'tis
8.Slobby - Oceania
Game is running.