Hey everyone, I have to apologize for my abrupt absence from the end game, I truly am sorry
As I already said I caught a nasty virus that kept me in my bed really feverish for around a week (Coxsackie A virus for those who are interested... hmm spelling instruction "cocksucka"?), after that my daughter and wife got it too et cetera et cetera, a vicious cycle of everyone being sick, nice way to spend the Christmas and end the year.
After that it was holidays and travelling and I rudely kind of forgot the whole Dom3 business, I feel bad about that now, should have at least tried to check that you got a replacement for me.
PS. I'm intrigued to see all the herbalists giving advice here, such a resourceful community!
PPS. No, I'm not a pregnant woman, so I could have given that Goldielocks or whatever a try