Re: Lost in Time and Space?
One of the nasty things about non-R'lyeh units becoming lost in time and space is that when the return, they land in a random province. Any random province, including water. So if your god is wandering around up there, when he comes back he might splash down in the middle of the ocean, and if he can't breathe underwater, well ... at least you can call him back now.
Also in addition to the insanity, you've got a chance of +1S. Does anyone know if you can get this if you have no astral? It would kind of make you a little vulnerable to Magic Duels.
20 insanity is not so bad, you still get to tell him what to do 80% of the time.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.