hey folks,
this is WildPansies, a new no indies no diplo (NIND) game. it will be set in LA with CBM and difficult research. we will be playing on the infinite sands map. this is an eight player game.
everyone is invited, but be forewarned, this game is likely not suitable for newbies. NIND means you're on your own, you can't have a lopsided nation that can lean on indie mages and trades to make up for design sacrifices. this map is mostly desert, and not a lot income or resources are available, you can't just build forts anywhere. similarly, all the desert means it is difficult to move large armies around (also, supplies are likely to be set lower than default, to really crank up the feeling of that desert pain). the large map and all the wasteland does provide nice gem incomes, but magic sites will be set at LA default, so that will be clipped a little.
DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT display your nation choice here. simply sign up. I will find a manager or devise some other scheme for choosing nations shortly. this is not random assignment, we will be choosing nations. just do not show what you are choosing.
because they would be even more suited to this game, Ermor is unavailable. further, there is no water so water nations or nations requiring coast are not playable either.
lets rock.
Game: WildPansies
Map: infinite sands v1.01ni (no indies version)
Era: Late Age
Players: 8
Indies: default
Special Sites: default
Money: default
Resources: 150
Supply: 75
Score Graphs: On
HoF: 15
Research: Difficult
Victory: Standard
Mods: CBM 1.41
Notes: No Diplomacy
1. Omni
2. Dragar
3. qio
4. Reverend Zombie
5. Tolkien
6. Incabulos
7. Burnsaber
8. Lingchin
Nation selection will proceed as follows:
an arbitrator (probably Pasha) will randomly assign a number to each player. you will then be contacted by this person who will inform you of your number; it will be between 1 and 8. Wait until all those numbers ahead of you have submitted their pretenders, and then you may submit your own.
you can see how many have already submitted at the game link at:
for instructions on using llamaserver see:
this is a big map, but with very few players. this is due to the terrible income of low pop wasteland. keep that in mind.
resource settings altered to 150
rational: low resource nations had advantage in this large and mountain-sparse map with their flexible fort placement. this makes the high resource nations of LA more playable.