Originally Posted by Evilhomer
Sign me up with Marignon, blood and fire all the way. As a note I am slightly against the idea of including Rlyeh and Ermor in a game like this.
In a normal game usually rlyeh and ermor is kept somewhat in check due to people teaming up against them, since this is not the case these two nations might be overpowered (also I am against a lone water nation being able to goble up all the water without anyone able to stop him). Anyway, its not a big deal but I thought I would mention this.
Agartha you shall have. The way the map is, it works out to a bit more than 20 provinces per player, there are only 20 water provinces, I was considering giving the Vets a water nation too, but I thought that a noob might easily and quickly be defeated that way (it only be ten provinces per water nation). I don't think it will be an issue. Remember too, I know nothing about playing Rlyeh, I'm sure vets can win with any nation they choose.