I only have about 26 Dai Oni, and 9 of those are working as support mages... I have dozens of oni generals left over from attacking ulm and later holding off caelum, but unfortunately they wouldn't be that useful against you as they are now. I could make tartarians if I wanted to, but since I don't have gift of health or the chalice and a TERRIBLE nature income, I haven't bothered. I was working my way to poison golems though, the ubiquitous demon bane swords were getting a bit old with how quickly they could take my SCs down.
Lucky, I only found an evocation reduction site, and even then I found it pretty late and haven't really gotten much use out of it. "Yomi needed me to forge items for him" is putting it a bit lightly :P At the beginning of the Yomi-Caelum war the only astral I had was on my god, and I needed to forge luck pendants and anti-magic amulets quickly to make viable anti-caelum thugs. Then with my complete lack of water mages I also needed water items forged... two things that niefelheim can handle quite capably. I think it was a really good deal for both of us, because while I'm certain I could have killed you back when abysia and ulm were both alive and kicking, I would have been slaughtered by caelum when he decided to come after me and he would have won the game, hands down. Or if he'd left me alone, I would have had to deal with abysia eventually and I think that wouldn't have gone so well.