uncastable spell scripting (and can the AI cast newly researched spells?)
there is of course the very necessary feature that a spell which a mage doesn't possess enough ranks in to cast is still scriptable (and will just be ignored if it can't be cast). This is of course because a spell may be cast or a gem used that increases path rank, making a previously uncastable spell castable.
this post is not about that.
I'm talking about scripting a spell you havn't researched yet. How many times do you know you will have a particular spell researched next turn and would like to script it for your mages to cast in battles that will be occurring that turn. Research occurs _first_, so shouldn't those spells become immediately available?
If you say no, then we need to ask if I research a particular spell, and don't script my mages, then can they cast it?
If the answer is yes, then that means this spell is available for the mage to cast, yet it isn't available for you to script. The only way to cast it would be to not script your mages (or for them to cast it after the 5 turn script ends).
so that's the question.
1. can the AI cast a spell that you researched that turn?
2. if so, then wouldn't it be nice to be able to script that spell?
(on an extra note, can mages similarly cast spells that they just empowered a rank in? if so, shouldn't we be able to script those too?)