Invisible colour
I am making a small mod that features adeptus mechanicus from warhammer 40'000.
Perhaps not fitting, but i don't care.
Here are the problems i have run into, and with a bit of help from you, wan't to fix.
What colour should i use too create invisibility?
I've tried white, black, i've used no background in photoshop, nothing works.
Is it a specific rgb colour i need to use?
And i am also troubled with the fact that one of my weapons doesn't work.
Namely the earthshaker artillery cannon (i know, overkill on the poor fantasy guys but i wanted to do this mod)
Code: #newweapon 603#name "Earthshaker"#rcost 50#dmg 200#att 4#len 5#nratt -3#sound 18#armorpiercing#twohanded#range 150#ammo 12#aoe 50#nostr#secondaryeffect 171#explspr 10113#flyspr 100 1
It doesn't show the explosion effect i told it too have and it isn't aoe as i also told it too be.
Theese are the main problems, hope i get answers.
Basilisk mod stats.
#newweapon 603#name "Earthshaker"#rcost 50#dmg 200#att 4#len 5#nratt -3#sound 19#armorpiercing#twohanded#range 150#siegebonus 50#ammo 12#aoe 5#nostr#secondaryeffect 171#explspr 101 13#flyspr 100 1
#newmonster 2203#name "Basilisk artillery unit"#spr1 "Basilisk 2.0 Ugly.tga"#descr "The basilisk is the standard artillery unit in the imperium. The adeptus mechanicus produces many of theese long range artillery units that has proven themselves time and time again. Although it is a tank, the drivers within (Cataphractii of the adeptus mechanicus Skitarii legions) can still be affected by some effects."#ap 18#mapmove 2#hp 90#prot 50#size 5#str 15#enc 0#att 1#def 11#prec 11#mr 15#mor 22#gcost 200#rcost 50#eyes 6#siegebonus 60#poisonres 40#maxage 250#neednoteat#armor "Medium armour plating"#trample#weapon 603
Theese are the artillery unit codes, weapon and unit. Some things are unbalanced but that is a later issue.
Like (for some reason, the mod file is correct) skitarii troops (infantry) have 1000 castle defense each instead of 2. I'm working on fixing that.
Last edited by Klomster; March 23rd, 2009 at 03:46 PM..