Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
I'm interested in putting up another noob MP game, so...
Era: Late
Map: Orania
Mod: CBM 1.41
Settings: Default+Renaming+HoF 15+Magic Sites 45
Turns: 24 hours for the first two years, 48 hours after that, and 72 hours if/when we reach the elusive endgame
Players: 14/14
Tolkien - Ulm
Frozen Lama - Utgard
Alpine Joe - Mictlan
Fakeymcfake - Marignon
Lavaere - Bogarus
Goodchild - Acroscephale
Festin - Jomon
Silence0 - Pangaea
Fantoman - Atlantis
Cicadian - Tien C'hi
P3D - Gath
IlluminatedOne - R'lyeh
OoohSnap - Midgard
Ornedan - Abysia
Last edited by Tolkien; April 20th, 2009 at 07:57 PM..