So, I had an idea to make a map scenario that would be something like a real battle of nations. Dominions to me lacks an element of realism, in that in the real world, there isn't really large areas of unclaimed or relatively unclaimed land. Nor are all starting positions created equal. This will be a work in progress for a while, but my hope is to eventually create a balanced scenario with all of the land based vanilla nations as well as a number of mod nations where there are no independent provinces(besides seas). Thus the game begins, and the lack of a pantokrator really does cause all out chaos.
So on that note I started working on building a map file... and then I realized I'm horrible at it. But never fear! the Dom 3 community was there, and I was able to use a random generation map by Gandalf Parker. I put in borders, assigned terrain values and put together a relatively even start where every nation has 9-10 provinces.
There are 25 nations in the current build, including all 20 vanilla land based middle age nations, and 5 mod nations
Haida Gwaii, Hoburg Alliance, my own Harabatia, Skavenblight, and Ogre Kingdoms are what I implemented in this version, though really any nations could be so long as they are numbered between 89 and 93.
Anyway, the base map is 271 provinces (237 land 34 sea), and wraparound(thus no advantageous corner positions).