Missiles as units (a.k.a microdrones)
Has anyone ever thought of modding a missile class of units? Basically it would involve making a, say 5kT, mini drone, calling it a missile, and making a component that can launch 0 missiles per game turn and 1 missile per combat turn and calling it a missile tube. The missiles could be stored in an armoured cargo bay (i.e. magazine). The missile tubes should be really small, 1-5kT maybe, 10 at the max. There would be missile components, different warheads, ECM etc.
This would necessitate the construction of ammunition back at a spaceyard, and transporting it up to the front.
Also, missile ships could be varied: they could shoot a couple of missiles a round for a longer time, or throw really heavy broadsides for a short time. This might make missile ships more able to penetrate tight PDC.
This might be a useful idea for anyone making an Honor Harrington mod, or a Starfire mod.