Land of Legends
I found most Dominions 3 maps just plain ugly or alternatively too messy, like borders that are hard to figure out - which is far worse.
I did, however, find Cradle of Dominions by Jason Lutes beautiful, interesting with all the bottlenecks and also very clear. While I am no artist myself, I figured out I could probably draw a decent map and re-use the graphics from Cradle of Dominions.
I have made a total of three maps, this being the third, but the two before had major flaws with how provinces are laid out - mind you, this one isn't perfect either - and aren't really worth sharing.
- Harbours on the island lead to "closest" harbours on the mainland and vice versa.
- The lake on the top left corner is accessible from sea via the river. The river is not a province.
- The central island provinces have the "many sites"-modifier.
EDIT: Fixed two province adjancencies on 20.5.
EDIT: Two more adjancies fixed on 26.5
I personally won't link to Dominions 3 content made by me any more and I hope no-one else will either (old links are fine, whatever). You should be able to find them or most of them by asking on IRC or googling the other forums
Last edited by elmokki; July 2nd, 2012 at 09:22 AM..
Reason: Fixed two problems with province adjancencies