Originally Posted by Zeldor
Here is a small point ranking [1-10] made for Preponderance, which I don't agree totally [would value Vanheim lower, Pythium higher for example, but it was for team game with special settings too, so keep that in mind]:
Ma Pythium: 6
Ma Man: 3
Ma Ulm: 3
Ma Ermor: 7
Ma Arco: 6
Ma Marignon: 4
Ma Mictlan: 5
Ma Mackaka: 5
Ma Agartha: 2
Ma Aby: 4
Ma Caelum: 5
Ma C'tis: 4
Ma Pan: 4
Ma Van: 7
Ma Jotun: 6
Ma Bandar log: 5
Ma Shinuyama: 4
Ma Ashdod: 12+
Ma Eriu: 5
Ma T'ien Ch'i: 4
Crikey! Ashdod a 12+? Agartha the turkey of the age, Worse than Man?
So an average of 4.68 if you don't include Ashdod
The reason why i asked this is because i'm mucking around with a little mod to add a bit more thug action to the game and trying to work out a balance.
Continuing on this thread, what are the classic blesses for each bless nation in so much as, what are the typical path choices for a pretender? i.e Water and Nature for Pythiums Hydras... A rainbow or SC for Ulm etc