I found way too many hits when I searched the forums for anything helpful, so I'm trying this way...
We're in the early stages (turn 22) of my first EA MP game. Since three turns, unrest is increasing in three of my provinces close to my home province for no apparent reason (no overtaxing, fights, random events...). As far as I know, none of the nations within comfortable walking distance of my realm can recruit stealthy units which are capable of instilling uprising. So here are my questions:
1. I suspect Pangaea of pushing around stealthy armies in my provinces
, is this enough to cause unrest?
2. Are there any recruitable indie scouts which can cause unrest? I never saw any in my SP games.
3. I am still quite overwhelmed by the sheer number of spells in the game, are there any that can cause unrest which are castable at this stage of the game?
And finally: Is there anything I can do except for patrolling and reducing tax?my gold reserves are dwindling fast...
Thanks in advance for the help!