Watch your tongue.
Originally Posted by PsiSoldier
Here's an abrievated clip of my correspondence with him...
Originally Posted by WingedDog
Originally Posted by PsiSoldier
I'll need a few days then.
It's ok, since the game isn't starting till Monday evening for sure.
1) That was very informative, but sorry, my mind-reader is out of battaries. I thought you need a few days to create a pretender, you never mentioned anything about school and time you'll be availible.
2) Yes, I wrote the game wouldn't start till Monday evening. Turn your logic on: this phrase only means the game
may start on Monday evening, and you should appear at that time
at least to check the news.
3) Check the time and date.

Few days mean 2-3, and you were absent for almost 4 without giving me any information and possibility to contact you. If you want to play - show your interest, I'm not a babysitter.
Perhabs CBM was turned off when you were designing your pretender?
Zeldor Calahan
I know what you mean, there were just no way to design starting locations on this map without 3 'lucky ones'.