I am kinda disagree with the opinion that the shooting guy (if not spotted) isn't going to pop his name up on the replay screen.
Try it yourself guys. You'll see the NAME of the VEHICLE shooting.
ONE obvious thing too: if you Z fire your opponent, even when you're not yet spotted, the replay screen will give the name of that "Z" firing unit.
Guess that shows how much attention I pay to the message windows then. Tis more fun watching the on screen action as my toy soldiers go about there buisness. Might keep an eye out for penetration effects if think its doubtful at that range but thats more when I am firing.
C of Red pretty much summed it up as its a game so trys to balance starting forces bluff & counter bluff to gain area superiority play a big part, getting it wrong can have dire consequences.
Its this more than anything that is the diffrence between playing the AI & PBEM, a good player varies what he does & if he can get you wondering what hes up to you suddenly find yourself watching a replay & seeing 90% of your Tank Co become scrap. its one of those moments that changes how you play forever, less haste more recon & dont always do the obvious suddenly becomes your new strategy.