Everything but a football to the groin
I've been pushing this game hard on my friends, and recently convinced one of them to buy it! This is a very exciting time for me, because my Dom3 addiction is tremendous. However, a recent conversation I had with another friend made me laugh, so I thought I'd share it. First he said, "The game looks alright, but there aren't any zombies." I immediately linked him to the strategywiki pages on Ermor. "Fine," he replied, "but the game doesn't have any aliens." I quickly linked him to the pages on R'lyeh. "The come from a star that fell from the sky!" I told him. "Fine," he replied, "...but...it doesn't have a football to the groin!"
I was dumbstruck. I had no example of a football to the groin! I tried to find a magic spell that affected the enemy males' naughty parts, but I finally had to concede - there is no football to the groin!
Is there a spell that I missed so that I can put my friend in his place? Or does a new spell need to be added to the wishlist? "Curse of Stones" has already been taken, so how about "Curse the Stones" instead?