Originally Posted by Wrana
Originally Posted by DonCorazon
I agree 100% with Executor. I have the misfortune to currently be stuck in 3 (well now 2) endgames. Its sad how similar they are - clamming, blood stones, etc with all the micro that entails. I spend more time rounding up gems than I do planning battles...uggh...its just not fun.
I will only join games without gem generators going forward. I don't mind Tarts as much, since they do help nations without decent national summons and open up some fun magic path combos that allow for creative scripting. They certainly don't make anyone invincible - i just lost 2 to the AIs 800HP Kraken in one game.  But they do give a pretty big edge to whoever gets the Chalice.
That said, the more I play, the more I realize that just finding certain sites early on can pretty much determine who wins amongst competitive players. I am starting to wonder whether no independent mages or OP sites like Steel Ovens should also be a part of a balanced game, though that would take away a lot of the fun of site searching.
I see. Nevertheless, Tartarians as SCs for everyone (and they ARE better than most) look quite boring to me. Micromanagement can be reduced with just the "pool" command. And this allows an access to Astral for nations which don't have it. And, as was said, Bloodstone is one of only 2 Earth boosters if we discount RoW, Elemental Staff and artifacts - which are all not everyday items. And - it's a way for MA Oceania to really do something. Actually, I think that unless you have a strong Astral nation already (and so can Wish for gems), you just never have enough gems without these items... 
Pool command is far from ideal. It will remove those intended gems at the same time. And pearls are very usually equipped to cast Returning.
I once thought about a solution regarding micromanagement: let any gems generated by commander himself be immoverable. Maybe we can even make all equipped gems fixed, like those carried by mercenary. Blood slaves should always be sent to treasury directly, and you should be able to give commanders gems without a local lab.
But I suspect that can not be done without rewriting the whole game.