Originally Posted by Lt. Ketch
Originally Posted by Imp
2) Place the new fire mission in that hex using the HE or smoke buttons.
3) Now use the blue arrows button to the right of cancel fire mission button to adjust it.
There has to be a yellow target marker for the gun before you can adjust it,
Cross, on a number of occations I have shifted a battery without having the marker present. I did it with batteriers that had just finished firering by clicking on the name to center it up on the hex and then clicking on the shift fire to adjust it from that hex by 1 or 2 hexes. It decreases the delay by .1 from what it would have been if you center the hex and then select HE mission and then adjust (as you have described above). As far as I'm aware, it will repeat the last mission, so if you want HE where your smoke was, you have to select the mission before shifting it, but if you just want to adjust for retreating troops, it works well.
Gila, You took a rocket a day or two early by the date on your post. I hope that you didn't get hit by anything bigger in the mean time. You've got the files. Take the time you need to play/heal. Happy 4th of July!
Yes, Happy Military Coup Day
Imp may take offense at being called 'Cross'