Balance Mod: Newest Nation - TC
So, I'm starting to get back into my balance mod. So I'm still testing but I'm posting up eight components.
Balance Generators: Turns off Clams, Blood Stones, and Fever Fetishes.
Balance Boosters: Makes most boosters 10 gems more expensive.This directly lengthens the mid game, where armies are relevent.
Balance Age: Removes old age from many of the weaker nations secondary units.
BalanceCBMFix: Modifies CBM. Apply after CBM.
Balance Agartha: Some improvements to Agartha
Balance Abysia: Some improvements to Abysia
Balance Yomi: Lots of new national spells for yomi; a cult of eye eaters (multihero), theme changes which make them demonic and forbidding. Still too strong, I removed the sleeth unit.
BNoGenComp: Provides compensation to Abysia, Agartha, and Oceania, when there are no gem generators.
BalanceTien: Gives TC a multihero Thug Chassis. National Spells for Master of the way makes them useful.
I'm also working on a batch file that will allow you to select what modifications you want to play with, and use (or not use) other people mods as well.
BalanceGame: Combines all these mods + CBM 1.41, mostly for the game called: Balance.
Last edited by chrispedersen; August 17th, 2009 at 10:20 PM..