Had a most interesting fight. One of my characters got assailed by an Agarthan under the waves.
The Agarthan was tooled up to rip my water dweller, and real good too. Tooled up to the teeth.
But no worries, the AI decided to ovverride my scripted orders, and it did well. Freezing in the opponent it took an eternity to close on to my side. Of course in the end my toon fainted from exhaustion of repeating the spell over and over. Of course the opponent fainted too then, gaining nice fatigue from the cold. Both woke up, the Agarthan closing in with the speed of a snail in tar (as he was freezed up all the time). Both fainted. Both woke up. Both fainted. Repeat ad nauseum. Finally, the Agarthan was *almost* in range to deliver the killer blow, and then the 50 turn limit hit.
Baalz, thanks for the gear you left on the field, again