Squirrelloid and I are interested in admining a PBEM team game on LlamaServer with some straightforward settings.
- Teams of 2. Teams are permanent, declared before the start, and both players win (or lose) with their team's victory or defeat.
- A team or a single player may register for a position. Positions are first-come, first-served. Preference is given to teams: if a team registers and the slots are full with single players, the last-registered single player gets bumped. Single players are responsible for finding their own teammates.
- Teams pick nations, again on a first-come, first-served basis.
- 8-10 players. Keeping the game smallish should make the endgame more manageable.
- LA.
- CBM 1.6.
- Special rules: site frequency 75 (high), HoF 15, renaming on, other settings as normal.
Please do not hold intrateam discussions in the thread
We're using a modified version of rim of darkness.
Iainuki/Squirrelloid (Patala/Ulm)
FrozenLama/Trumanator (Pan/Utgard)
Juffos/Quitti (Marignon/Mictlan)
Micah/Johnarryn (Midgard/T'ien Chi)
Viccio/Statttis (C'tis/Gath)