Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
Well said Calahan. Sadly, it seems to me at this point that Quitti and Zeldor (Edit: and SciencePro, didn't realize he had subbed in, he's not listed in the OP) are the only players here that are capable of acting in a fashion that supports fair play instead of their own base self-interest, so it's a waste of breath to continue.
I personally liked your suggestion, but Anthropos seems opposed to it, and Kuritza continues to spout meaningless noise to cover for the fact that he's not actually willing to give up his undeserved spot as game-leader by agreeing to a compromise. I see that he has time to post about how awesome his battle-group is, but not to address your question about providing an equitable rollback compromise. I find it deeply ironic that he uses the word "childish." Ossa's stated position is no better, though he's not as vocal.
The section under the C heading is especially spot on, and yet Kuritza continues to try to cling to other games ("this game be THAT unique") and other situations (Jomon's staling) as a smoke screen. For the record, I DON'T think this game should be "unique" in allowing rollbacks or some other solution given the situation, but I'd point out the exceptionally poor behavior by a majority of players in the game as to why it would be if it were to actually happen. Evidently compromising isn't in peoples' skill set around here.
And I agree with your fault-assessment, but I was trying to be diplomatic. In terms of resolving the situation it doesn't really matter whose fault it is as long as it's not Zeldor's, which it is not, so I was trying to avoid pointing fingers.
Last edited by Micah; October 8th, 2009 at 01:19 PM..