After 5 games using Ermor in MA, I have some suggestion for "tuning" the CBM version 1.6
The first thing that I have noticed is the Censor low cost: only 30 Gold (from the original 80) for a commader with leadership: 40 normal/80 undead units, stats above the average and a patrol bonus!
This cost is incredible low, especially if compared to his "unit version", the lictor: similar stats, worse patrol bonus, no leadership for a 24 gold cost. Only 6 gold of difference!
The second thing that I noticed is the need to lower the age of Triarii; need not satisfied by this CBM 1.6, lingering in the original error of the vanilla dom3version.
I agree that the praetorian guard is a prestigiuos role gained after a long career as soldier; this definition justifies the old age of the praetorian guard in the game and the consequent afflictions derived from it.
But the triarii units was the better piece of the entire roman army; they was a well trained and equipped soldiers, ever deploeyed in the rear of the army to inflict the critical hit to the enemy.
Hence I refuse to figure them as seasoned men with rheumatism, affliciton and osteoporosis
I know that a triarii unit has to be a veteran but not necessarily a decrepit man, so my proposal is to lower his age from 55 to 45 to avoid the affliction penalties and to increase his "temporal" efficiency, otherwise this unit (the most powerful in the real roman army) remains totally useless for the gaming purpose.
Sorry for the embarassing english