Well, Dogscoff, taking your idea a step further...
How about if the
space on a planet is a single resource pool? You can build industrial facilities to support your empire, and use a certain amount of space, you can build housing for population, and use a certain amont of space, or you can store cargo -- troops, WPs, satellites, etc. -- and use that same space! This means that the 'cargo facility' would go out the window, of course. You'd get extra cargo space by NOT building facilities.
Combined with the 'labor' resource rules discussed in another thread this would make empire management very interesting. You'd have to balance industry with the population needed to operate it. If you over-develop a world it gets harder to defend it. And if you over-defend a world it gets harder to develop. And with no clear boundary on population you can have over-populated worlds, too. What next, birth control policies?
Certainly there would be expansionist pressures on empires with a lot of over-populatd planets.
[ July 04, 2002, 21:00: Message edited by: Baron Munchausen ]