Re: How to deal with Darkness?
Bumping this to emphasize that Solar Brilliance should not be considered a general purpose counter to Darkness.
I just fought my first battle deploying Solar Brilliance against an opponent using Darkness, and about half my surviving troops were blinded, even though they were checking with an effective MR of 18 (10 base, +4 from Antimagic, +4 because it's easy to resist). If there was only one check I should expect to have about 3% blinded (6% chance of failing the MR check * 50% chance of being blinded). Solar Brilliance is a Battlefield Enchantment, but the description in the manual could easily be interpreted as saying that the blindness and damage checks are only made once. A little work with binomial probability shows that the number of blinded troops is right around what would be expected if the check is made every round. I think a lot of people have figured this out, but I think it's worth stating explicitly.
The main lesson here is that Solar Brilliance is really more about providing a counter for the large death gem income + mass undead chaff + Darkness + Rigor Mortis combo of doom than it is a general counter to Darkness - that is the niche where the cost-benefit is best. In most other cases just sucking up the combat penalties and relying on precision 100 spells is probably better than blinding so many troops.