Originally Posted by Burnsaber
Originally Posted by namad
btw the way this sounds really cool... count me in if you wanna do another wacky game in the future
Well, at this point I'm pretty confident that there will be "Legendary Ordeals II". I've gotten a lot of in-character posts and the turns have just been flying by, showing the the players are also excited too. My turns also take less time than I anticipated (it also is good that my micro won't basically increase much as the game progresses, although some complicated late-game Ordeals will be a bit time intensive occasionally).
Although I already have ideas for improving the next game (like modding a unit with ridiclious fear to conquer indy provinces without getting into HoF). The ordeals I have planned are pretty diverse, so that I can see which kinds of Ordeals people like the most and which kinds can be cut.
Well, to make it short, this game is an experiment and I'll likely keep these games up and polish up the format as I go along. One thing I'd like the most would be a custom-map for this kind of game, with a badass mountain in the middle for the Pantokrator's throne and so forth.
Please let me know when you decide to run another one of this as well. =) I was sad that I missed this one too.