Machakan PD is ultra-crap, which means they are very vulnerable to raiders. Nations with flyers or stealthers can practically overrun Machaka in one turn if that is the opening move in a war. I remember a game with Pans where even 11 Harpies (a harpy commander with 10 harpies) took several provinces on first turn I attacked (plus the stealthers and Call of the Wilds I cast on same turn, in addition to the frontal attack who targeted the strong points (and in which I took a crapton of damage against spiders)). You know the PD is *bad* when even a few Harpies eat your defenders without a sweat.
Machaka does great when they are the one attacking. Everybody knows this. But after the first year, before the excellent evocations are available and their forces are still all spread out, they are very weak. This, I would presume, is when they get targeted. Nobody wants an offensive monster as their neighbour.
Originally Posted by thejeff
Even Isn't everyone without national SCs in roughly the same situation?
MA Pangaea, which has pretty similar magic as Machaka has and has no national summons, is *much* more stronger in end game. The Pans first of all have loads of more HP than the Machakan sorcerors (they laugh at things like Earthquake), and Pangaea has great cheap thugs (with some minor equipment) who can wield SC killing gear. And yet, the real killer IMO is Life for Life, a couple Pans casting that destroys basically anything (excpet large armies of course, but Pangaea has lots of options against armies); Life for Life has Range 100, precision 100, 40+ AN irrestible damage, and that says "SC killer" to me. Every single Pan can cast Life for Life (at least if they cast Hellpower first).
Machaka needs some similar niche for end game. Sadly I have not figured out what that niche is.