Combat Initiative...
Does anyone know exactly how the game determines who goes first in a combat? I'm beginning to think that it just goes in 'Turn Order' and I CERTAINLY hope that isnt the case. In any case, the players always seem to go before the AI and that is not only silly, but really hurts the AI.
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you always go first, that you have a HUGE advantage in 'Warp Point' combats especially if you have missiles. Shoot and scoot. If you have DF weapons, well, you can often decimate an enemy fleet before they even get up to bat!
Personally, I'd like to see an initiative system similar to what they eventually implemented in MOO2 with smaller/faster ships and ships with better computers (maybe use the MultiPlex+Sensor+ECM level combined?) going first and then resolving on an individual ship basis. Adjust for crew quality etc if necessary.
Barring that as too complicated, AT LEAST please consider a 'standard' of attacker or defender always goes first. FWIW, I prefer having the attacker going first to reward taking the offensive. It encourages people to be the aggressor and I think that is extremely necessary.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this or have noticed the initiative NOT always going to the player (and first player in MP combat)?