Originally Posted by legowarrior
Talking about MA.
Huh come again?
It seems to me everyone in this thread is talking about LA Jomon. The thread title that you yourself created has Jomon in it, and most posts in this thread make mention of the underwater recruitable units that are exclusive to LA Jomon.
You yourself talk about....
Originally Posted by legowarrior
It seems that you can only reliable get 2 Astral, 2 Nature, or 2 Earth from the units you can purchase on land.
Making a distinct reference to land recruitable units (so implying water recruitables exist). And MA Shinuyama doesn't get access to water recruitiable units or Astral mages from the land roster (not that MA Shinuyame has a water roster). But LA Jomon has both the things you talk about. So again, you are the one talking about Late Age and LA Jomon.
So to respond to rdonj's remark with the reply "Talking about MA" seems to me to be you forgetting yourself what you were actually wanting to talk about
If you really did want to talk about Middle Age though, and MA Jomon in particular (so Shinuyama), then you did a great job of tricking everyone into talking about LA Jomon instead