Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
Sorry, but no.
Shishi have three slots for a reason. One for luck, one for girdle of might, one for ring of cold resistance. With a hammer, its still very, very cheap for a cloud trapezing thug. Cheaper than a bane lord with sword and shield, by the way.
And such shishi has both higher survivability because of mirror image/luck, mistform and air shield (against aforementioned crossbowmen), and it rips bane lord with frostbrand/shield to shreds. I have checked it, out of curiosity. Furthermore, shishi can cloud trapeze to catch the bane lord.
That was one of my concerns, actually. Shishi make bane lords obsolete.
Forgot to mention - it was a male shishi, without "smite evil" effect.