Squads-A nation concept.
I've been bouncing an idea around in my head for a while now for a nation, and one concept is that of multi-unit units, for lack of a better term, and I was wondering if this was a good idea. The general concept:
There would be a few basic units, all of which were slightly below average. A spearman with a shield, a pike troop, and a size 3 guy with an axe. In addition, there would be three troop sizes. Soldier, Pair, Squad, all in units. So there would be a Spearman Squad, a size 6 unit with around 35 Hp, consisting of 3 Spearmen (or more, tightly packed). 1 unit, it gets 3 spear attacks, and has a defense 2 above normal (odds are it gets hit with 3 attacks, so it averages out the same), standard protection, etc.
The upside to this nation is easy counters to some stuff. An elephant trample would be really easy to block with a screen of Spearman squads, which it can't trample, and it creates a unique sacred (The general concept is a bronze age nation, the sacred would be the Iron Guard, 4 tightly grouped spearmen using iron, with fairly decent stats.) It is also easier to enchant to some extent.
The big weakness is some spells. Stuff like Soul Slay is now a squad killer, and squads can be picked off by tageting large monsters.
So, could this work? It would play uniquely, and seems balanced, but I am no expert.