First a disclaimer: This game is not a "best" dom players game. Many excellent players are not in HoF. It is absolutely not meant to hint at elitism!
The idea behind this game is to satisfy the cat's curiosity: How would a game played exclusively by HoFers be?- Would it provide interesting surprises & drama?- Who would win it?- What alliances would form?- Who would get stomped/back-stabbed? etc
So, the format is geared towards creating what would hopefully be an interesting game by utilizing the HoF angle, nothing more.
Important note: The game is open to everyone who considers himself an HoFer (whatever that means ) or a champion or an awesome player etc. be it by virtue of skill, experience or ego.
At this stage I'm merely checking whether this concept is sound enough to justify a game.
The format is open for discussion except some immutable points (marked by bold font).
Game would start in 3-4 weeks since I'm moving to a new house in 2 
Hosting Pace: First 15 turns every 24h, turns 15-30 48h, turn 30-45 72h, turn 45-60 96h, turn > 61 120h.
Considerate extension giving policy.
Hosting is planned for busy ppl.
Disallowed exploits: copying Bogus' orders and overfilling enemy lab to prevent his own forge.
Killing own mages under Ankh or LaD to gain freebe mages and troops. It's ok in a battle but it's not ok to set it up on purpose (whoever likes to do it knows what I'm talking about)
Hosted on llamaserver.
Diplomacy allowed. It's too much fun, esp. for this kind of game. Maybe restricted but definitely not prohibited.
Mods: CBM, EDM, Sprites- Does it even matter to the server???
Graphs: on
HoF: 15
-> # players, I had in mind anywhere between 10-20 drafted from top 30 HoF positions.
-> Map, land only?
-> Victory condition: 60-70% of # players capital VPs?- Another model?- maybe no VPs and control 70% of provinces?
-> Nations: All ages,one age?
-> Diplomacy: impose some limitations?- like no trades and no alliances are allowed? or maybe, only diplomacy allowed is to offer and accept/reject peace?
-> Research: Normal/hard ?
-> Indies: Normal/hard?
-> Nation selection: random, players send 3 top wanted nations, other model?
-> More?
If the idea is received positively than I'll post here the top 30 HoF positions
Players (if a game ever comes out of this):
1. Baalz
2. Psycho
3. ano?
4. WL