Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I can certainly say that Pan lost his chance to win the game long time ago. He was top1 some time ago and then he stopped and let me and Lanka run away in power. He could easily acquire Kailasa and Ermor lands, maybe even Vanheim. He'd be in the race now still, maybe even the strongest conteder, with me and Lanka bleeding each other out heavily. Instead we've got big Vanheim which was pretty much dead in the beginning. And he still managed to kill Ermor and Kailasa, with Pan just looking and sitting.
I was quite lucky with magic sites, which helped me with diversity etc. Otherwise Abysia is so much weaker than Lanka... And I still think Lanka made strategic mistake of attacking Sauro at that moment. I think he had real chances of getting Sauro to help with me, if it came to that [and if I was really ahead]. Or maybe Dimaz just underestimated my ability to help Sauro, as we had no real border.