Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
On the subject of strategy guides:
Ive seen complaints. But something to keep in mind is that we dont have guides the way other games have guides. We dont have step-by-step instructions that will work every time and get you to the place it says. The game is just too variable for that. Whether you consider that to be a good thing or a bad thing is point of view. Personally, if we DID have such guides then I dont think this would be the game that has lasted for years on my machines.
But I do wish every Dom3 strategy guide had a tiny print disclaimer at the bottom
"NOTE: Tested in (solo or mp) with xxxxx mods, on a ##-per-player province ratio,
and only if not starting next to xxxxxxxx nation"
I was a weather forecaster for 30+ years. I understand variables...as that is essentially what I did. I assigned a weight to a variable, applied a few mathematical constants, and guessed.
Also, I also understand that with 2000+ unit types, and 700+ spells, you are never going to get the same game twice in a row.
I tried to determine how many different types of race possibilities there would be in a large game, and gave it up. Billions.