Originally Posted by Hoplosternum
Well I am not sure that by attacking none Monkey provinces you are encouraging anyone to take down the Nexus for you. After all most of us only risk to lose to someone other than yourself or Dr P While you and Abysia can see that possible win get sucked out of your nations and into Kailasa's Nexus
Why haven't you and Aby taken it down? You have much more to lose than the rest of us if it stays up for long. You and Aby get over 230 gems a turn between you. Even if you don't get a single natural pearl between you that's 115/turn after alchemy. Cast your own dispel....
First off, I have raided and taken Monkey provinces - but mostly I'm hunkering down on defense, because I expected I would be attacked from all sides!
I'll give kudos to Kailasa's diplomacy, and grumble about everyone else'. No one, NO ONE, offered to help cast a dispel. More importantly, no one,
NO ONE, contradicted my assumption that they weren't all in on it with Kailasa!
No one other than Verjigorm expressed serious concern about the Nexus. In fact, the insinuation from Kailasa was that other powers (and I assumed that meant TNN, Abysia, and Helheim) had accepted a hefty share of gems to ally with him (and Yomi confirmed that he was also negotiating for a share as well).
Since no one bothered to counter that assumption, I had to assume that everyone was against me, and thus make my own play, which was to forget casting Dispel (what's the point when the Nexus would go right back up with everyone's connivance?), and go for the VPs. It wasn't a good plan, but it seemed to be all I had.
Well, was my analysis wrong? Are folks not on board with Kailasa? If so, damn, let me know! Like I said, I can still make a deal
But if I don't hear anything serious, I'm gonna keep figuring it's Marverni against everyone else