September 8th, 2010, 10:19 AM
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Re: Fall from heaven II.
Originally Posted by Lingchih
After playing a few more games now, with a lot more wars, might I add that war is insane in this game? Maybe it was the same in Civ4 basic, been too long since I played that to remember. I just attacked a friendly neighbor, who seemed to be fielding a few warriors and mages, at best. By a few turns into the war, he was hurling incredible forces at me. Having seen it before, I was ready, but damn, how does a pathetic little nation go to a melee powerhouse in two turns?
In one of the more recent patches they "fixed" the AI so it now throws huge amounts of troops at you. So the result is do not go to war without some form of AOE that targets the whole stack. (I recommend Air and Fire magic Catapults and depending on your religion either Chalid and the Chariots with the Blind spell,Ritualists with ring of fire or if they are on a coast Octupus cultists with Maelstrom).