Age: MA
Number of players: 6
Banned nations: Ashdod, water nations
Hosting: llamaserver
Hosting interval: 30 hours throughout
Six Lands
Mods: CBM 1.6, EDM 1.1
HoF: 15
All other settings default
This game is for people who like a fast paced game that finishes in a 2-3 month period. We will be on a 30 hour hosting interval the entire game. Since that reduces the potential audience considerably I'll refrain from making any other changes to settings as I might normally do.
Moving at this pace does put pressure on players as the mid-game begins but I also find it really gets everyone into the game having a new turn every day.
Some things to consider:
* Every player will get two 30 hour hosting delays that they can use whenever they want. If you have used your delays it's your responsibility to find a sub.
* This game will not take that long to play. Please commit to seeing it through. Obviously if you are a major power and stop taking your turns I'll be forced to look for sub. Given the small audience for a game like this I don't imagine it will be an easy task finding one. Out of consideration for the other players please finish the game even if you've lost interest in it or Dominions in general.
* Note that there are several holidays in the next few months. I am open to deciding ahead of time that we will put the game on hold on those days. But if you have a vacation planned please arrange now for a sub to take over for you during that time.
* If you are successful you will get to the point that your turns will be fairly complex. If the thought of not having the time to fully optimize your strategies bothers you this probably isn't the game for you. There may be some turns where you have to say "good enough" and send in your turn.
* If you sign up for this game you should have experience in how long it takes you to complete late game turns. Early on this won't be any different than a normal game so consider if you can handle it if you've got 30-40 provinces and are at war (if you've got more than 40 provinces this game should basically be over anyway).
Player Roster (with # of available 30 hour delays)
Arcoscephale - Saros (1)
Ermor - ghoul31 (2)
Jotunheim - Kojusoki (2)
Man - earcaraxe (2)
Pythium - odeoderok (2)
Vanheim - Valerius (1)