get it here, (minimally) tested with SE4 Gold, v1.67
Lot's of things to tell, first, Tech Tree Viewer is waaay to long, so it's called
TTV from now on, or
Lemmy's TTV, in case another one is made by someon else
Next, uhm, it's faaaar from finished, to sum it up,
Current features:
- Allows (not so) easy change of mod dirs by editing se4tv.ini
- Shows the tech tree in a graphical way (a la civ III)
Upcoming features:- Changing mods without having to exit the program.
- Tech/component/facility/intel/vehicle icons will be added to the techbutton, or techwindow
- Tech research costs to be included in techwindow
- Whatever else that comes to mind
Known issue(s):In Facility.txt, at the facility Space Port there is this line (line 429 IIRC):
Ability 2 Type := None
delete it, as far as i know, this *should* cause no problems with savegames, cos it says there is only 1 ability, no need to mention that ability 2 is None. (duh)
If you want to be sure, copy the data dir to another location, and delete the line in there, then make sure se4tv.ini points to that dir.
So far, that's all i found.
How to run it?double click on run.bat
You should have java installed, but that is included on the cd, in the file called, unzip and run j2re-1_4_0-beta3-win.exe to install the Java Runtime Environment.
Note: haven't actually tested it with that JRE Version, but it should work.
In case anyone is interested in the source code, go here:
it is poorly documented for now, so enter at your own risk
If you do enter (you brave soul), the interesting/special part (how to place the buttons) is in techviewer\
Please don't copy any code without me knowing about it.
EDIT: changed title....
[ August 23, 2002, 16:02: Message edited by: Lemmy ]