After a prolonged absence from Dominions I am finally getting back into the game. While playing my first game in ages I remembered that I had started making a map a while back and decided to go ahead and finish it (cause that's what you do when you're supposed to be working on your master thesis
I've wanted to do a scenario but kinda screwed up the balance of land vs sea (136/27) and the size of the land masses and couldn't make it work, so i opted to go for cheesy province names and flavor. What you see is what you get, so desert areas tend to have hot scales, swamps countain, uhm, swamps, et cetera. The map's not quite finished yet but should be in a week or two. I have attached a thumbnail cause I'm just too pleased with myself
Edit: i think i figured out most of what i need so the Map should be done within a week, but one problem persists: i put some large armies in certain provinces but they keep starving. How can i prevent that? Thanks for the help!
EDIT: The map is done. Yay!! Get it here: Three different versions. See Post #7 in this thread.