Re: Great Forum, game running
We had planned to suicide against Pan and Ulm though it seems now we'll have the other small half remain upon Ulm's destruction. After paying you the agreed price we planned to suicide our remaining forces somewhere and move onto Valhalla.
Might I suggest an amendment to our agreement: on Ulm's destruction, we pay you generously in gems as agreed. But instead of parting with half our armory / capital + the few provinces north of it (after which it becomes more or less pointless for us and we'll go kamikaze on something):
a) we'll enter into a game-long no aggression against you (well, unless you call off the NAP yourself...), and on the off chance that the game comes down to you + me, I'll give up by default and hand you the win, the host Earcaraxe can be witness here.
b) You can designate twice in the remainder of this game who we go to war with. e.g. "go to war with machaka." In which case we will, and will not enter NAP or make peace until you call us off. We will send in and keep at least 1/3 of our forces on the initial offensive, or at least half of our forces if no one else is warring on us. Note we need access to the nation we are warring with to send in troops... (We can't actually see Machaka at the moment). We can only war with one designated nation at a time (if you want us to war on someone else while already calling us on Machaka, we will have to be able to make peace with or destroy machaka first)
We might wring a bit more action of out this yet.