Originally Posted by Soyweiser
What do game mechanics have to do with this? And you don't provide any evidence either.
"Like." An analogy, obviously.
"You're wrong because I said so. Prove you're right."
My evidence is in the letter of international copyright law, which you claim I've misused out of hand, most likely without reading yourself.
Public Domain is literally and shortly defined as: "That which is not covered by Intellectual Property rights."
For the United States:
Originally Posted by Soyweiser
So if I make a mod based on the IP of both dom3, and warhammer and release it here it is in the public domain? I doubt it.
(And you could always argue that the creation of the mod itself constitutes the creation of a original piece of work).
You can argue anything, the law may state differently.
"For copyright protection to attach to a later, allegedly derivative work, it must display some originality of its own. It cannot be a rote, uncreative variation on the earlier, underlying work."
If you genuinely care, you can start with L. Batlin & Son, Inc. v. Snyder.
Originally Posted by Soyweiser
If I where to post a mod here in which I used my own sprites, and my own fantasy nation you couldn't. I would still have the copyright on that.
The data on the fantasy nation is copyrighted as original work.
The mod itself is not. The mod is public domain, and may be freely distributed.