Rainbow Mages and Searching in the Early Game
What's the general viewpoint on how to handle searching with a rainbow mage in early MP? I can think of a few ways to keep him alive, but they all have negatives...
1. Spend your first few turns researching enough buffs that he is not so easy to kill. It seems like a waste of research for a non-SC.
2. Protect the hell out of him by keeping him with your main force. This seems risky, since he can get dragged into battle, and you don't want a panty-waste rainbow mage getting slaughtered by a stray arrow. Plus, it seems like the main army has different goals (rushing) than the rainbow mage (searching).
3. Keep a small group of units as guards, set his orders to retreat. I recently discovered through one of the "waiting for turn to resolve" tips that retreating during an assassination attempt is instant death, so this strategy seems ok for SP with it's limited AI, but bad for MP.
So what do you guys normally do?