This is a quick SQL query of the MBT database for the "tank" classes (assuming I did not forget one or two
There might be a change or 2 in the published OOBs in the patch - but not likely.
It is sorted by nation, and then by first year available.
(2384 "tanky" thingys in the MBT OOB set)
Select U.NationID,N.NationName,,U.slot, u.UnitClass, C.ClassName,u.YearAvailable, u.LastYearAvailable, SteelHullfront,U.SteelTurretFront,U.HEATHullFront, U.HEATTurretFront
from Units U, NationNames N, ClassNames C
( u.unitClass=12 OR u.unitClass=13 OR u.unitClass=14
OR u.unitClass=59 OR u.unitClass=15 OR u.unitClass=17
OR u.unitClass=102 OR u.unitClass=103 OR u.unitClass=104
OR u.unitClass=105 OR u.unitClass=106 OR u.unitClass=107
OR u.unitClass=131 OR u.unitClass=132 OR u.unitClass=135
OR u.unitClass=159 )
AND u.SteelHullFront>0
AND U.nationID=n.nationID
AND u.UnitClass=ClassNameID
order by u.NationID, u.YearAvailable
- find your opponent's block
- see what is available at that date
- check the armour
front hull and turret steel and HEAT armours listed, since most folk seem to worry about a head-on "duel". If you have no chance that way - you will have to go for flank shots.