Originally Posted by Amhazair
I intentionally stayed away from fixing the hosting scheduled upfront (like I see you doing) since the people who normally play at a slower pace might be small/at peace/otherwise in a situation where they're fine with the schedule and thus there is no need to slow the game down. As I said though, I do intend this to be a relaxed game, so rest assured the turns will get longer as needed.
Just quoting myself here (even though I only gave my personal oppinion, and didn't interfere in Dimaz' decision) to restate that I have no intention of forcing anyone to play faster than he's comfortable with, but, unless I misunderstood Dimaz' post, this isn't a question of a player needing more time, just of being unsure of internet availability, and that can be handled just as well by keeping an eye on the Llamaserver to prevent accidental stales.